Monday 23 April 2012


For the editing process we used imovie on an Apple Macbook as it is simple to use and it has a variety of different ways to edit a movie, using transitions, text, images and music. Although we worked well on imovie, it did not allow us to create a split screen which is something we were originally planning on doing.

For our documentary we tried to to find music which related well to our theme. We used Youtube to find the music for our documentary. We chose the 'Fast Food Song' to go at the beginning of our documentary so it was clear to the audience the theme of the documentary, we then used another part of this song half way through our documentary. It is quite humorous so gives a slight light-hearted effect to the documentary. We used a song from the film 'Oliver Twist', called 'Food, Glorious Food', at the end of our documentary before the advert break would start. We thought these two choices of songs work well with our documentary as they both include lyrics about food. We used two other instrumental songs including 'Shelter' and 'Skinny Love' by Birdy, which we used while filming people walking in and out of the fast food restaurant and when we looked inside the childrens Mcdonald's Happy Meal.  

We used a variety of transitions throughout our documentary including fades, wipes and dissolves. The transitions allowed our documentary to run smoothly. This is a screen shot of our documentary during the editing process, showing all the transitions we included.

This voiceover was over the top of the scenes where the people are walking in
and out of the restaurant. It invloves one of the documentary makers talking
about fast food and obesity facts.
In our documentary we used two main voiceovers, both 'voice of God'.

This voiceover is placed over the top of the images of fast food chains. The
documentary maker spoke about how there is lots of fast food chains
available and the impact its having. The voices relate to the visuals.  

We used text at the beginning of our documentary which includes the title. We made it so it would scroll upwards with the screen as we thought this created an exciting effect. We also used text at the bottom of the screen when we were doing interviews, to show the interviewee's name and occupation. While the people were walking in and out of the fast food restaurant we put facts on the screen so the visuals match the voiceover. Again we used the scrolling effect on a question which we put around half way in to our documentary, we also used text which came on from the sides, to almost answer the question. We then used white text for the title again at the end of our documentary. All the text we used throughout our documentary was white as we wanted to keep the colour scheme consistent throughout, also it stands out well.

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